24.10.2024 03:48
Arrival at facilities
Ningbo international mail exchange station, Ningbo city
13.10.2024 13:08
Shipment information received
02.10.2024 22:28
Guangzhou Jianggao processing team, Guangzhou city
22.09.2024 07:48
Received by local delivery company
Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center, Guangzhou city
11.09.2024 17:08
Delivery planned at the cityhub
01.09.2024 02:28
Depature from Local Sorting Center
21.08.2024 11:47
Received by the carrier
Shenzhen airport station point, Shenzhen airport station point
10.08.2024 21:07
Hand over to airline
MESA,AZ 85205,MESA,AZ 85205,Delivered, In/At Mailbox, Your item was delivered in or at the mailbox at 11:11 am on August 1, 2022 in MESA, AZ 85205
31.07.2024 06:27
Item received at office of exchange
20.07.2024 15:47
Departed Facility in Dongguan
Beijing international Tianzhu processing center, Beijing city
10.07.2024 01:07
Departed USPS Facility
CA, VALLEJO, 94590
29.06.2024 10:27
Arrived at [Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center] (transit)
Chicago, CHICAGO
18.06.2024 19:47
Handed over to the airline
OCALA, FL, 34479
08.06.2024 05:07
Arrival at the Destination
28.05.2024 14:27
Arrived at [Huludao center] (transit)
Coimbatore Rs TMO
Tracking numbers examples: